Sunday, January 17, 2010

is it raining?

here as well.


  1. I've been looking over this stuff, and it's pretty outrageous.
    This blog is pretty had to navigate however.

  2. yes ,but there is quite a lot there,read slowly

  3. seriously ,its worth the read!

  4. isnt it pretty clear what this is?
    think cash only, businesses,then think real-estate and city contracts and concessions,add some cash lobbying,include some high end eateries-and stir!

  5. yes that is just about what i ,cash everwhere cash,then dump it into real estate,use city contracts to avoid rules and regulations of other city agencys,think campaign contributions!homemakers as lobbyists,free meals for those with wheels!

  6. yes indeed. all yee city commissioners and health department officials,come enjoy a quasi- free lunch at nellos on madison ave,courtesy madison global.or someone?

  7. i like the part where people whose biz is selling hot dogs and pretzels, for $2 in those sidewalk carts that clutter nyc streets, now drive, a G500 mercedes ,a porsche boxster,a BMW745il.a ferrari testarossa,a ferrari 308gts,a porshe 911 carrera,and a rolls royce,back and forth to their hamptons homes from their triplexes at the trump tower,and the galleria on 57th st.
    i wonder if they still owe the city that $563,000 in unpaid rent taxes from 2003 or the $50,000 unpaid water and property taxes for 1996 ??
    a pretty good situation at $60 bucks a day .and all built on a hot dog?

  8. yes,yes, the multi million dollar nyc homes and the multi million dollar hampton retreats make perfact sense. and all the seriously expensive cars what would you expect? what seems odd is that after the parks commisioner henry stern finds out in 1996 that they,makkos and M&T pretzels are on the official "tax dead beat list",for their property owned on ninth ave and west 37th street and that they owed roughly $50,000.00 for property and water tax .why then would parks,give them city concessions in the park? especially when two brothers from the same company[M&T,pretzel] from the same phone are bidding against one another? would that be classified as bid -rigging? good question for who? the new york dept of law? dont know!
    do you suppose that M&T pretzels paid that $600,000.00 fine imposed on them by the new york state attorney general,due in full by 2007?? or did M&T just change its name to NEW YORK ONE ? because it looks like the division of judges for the united states of america,labor relations board,at about the same time in 2007 is suing new york one LLC.for unfair labor practices.
    oh isnt [new york one] a division of time warner? on ch 1,television?

  9. sorry to be hung up about the many very expensive vanity cars! thats just about cash, BUT I HAD A DREAM. "a rolls royce" sitting next to a "ferrari-testerossa" two-40 year old guys in the front seat, sellin hot dogs&pretzels out of the half open windows .,next to the ferrarri , 2 chicks in the backseat of the rolls royce[with nice crystal balls revolving around their heads]sorta studio 54 like ,handing out cash thru the very open rear windows,all on a pleasant and mild beachlit evening. very pretty!
    now on that crystal ball thing that is up?
    does makkos own it? BECAUSE in the documents from the office of the new york comptroller thompson,it looks like "crystal ball group-terrace on the park "promised the city of new york that it would spend $8,000.000.00[thats $8 million-US.dollars]to make capitol improvements at that city facility. but according to comptroller thompson they did not!
    it looks like they spent about $ 2.7. mil,according to the city comptroller.the city controller did not seem to like,or acknowledge the $ 1,735,047 in cancelled checks to their construction co.marangos
    do you suppose that "crystal ball group-terrace on the park" did pay the $100,178.72 of new york citys, imposed fine.yet.??? it would appear that this contract agreement with the city of ny goes till march 31,2020 [annually] for $2,500,000.oo[again thats 2.5million$ a year. or 20% of gross receipts,whichever is greater.BUT IT EXCLUDES GRATUITIES AND SERVICE the agreement!!-well now, so much for the waiters tips for decent,and pleasant service?

  10. you are seriously on to something!
    the dream sounds like a new yorker cartoon.
    what was it that john dean said in the nixon era? "FOLLOW THE MONEY"and ill bet he meant CASH
    does anyone know what H.A.N.A.C
    is? it appears to be a hellenic group? anyone have a guess? it may be some lobbying consortium?or pac. answers?

  11. yes im seriously on to something?
    WHAT might that be?
    let me ask everyone, why on this gods good earth would anyone BUY or EAT a hot dog OR pretzels off the streets of nyc. in the parks in front of all the museums or any where? DOES H1N1 swine flu virus mean nothing?[remember this does kill people]
    you may have sick and very poor food vendors ,folks who are forced to work when they are very,very ill,really deathly sick ,they only arrive at work because they have loving families to feed , and they make about $60 a day if they are lucky,,14hrs a day.RAIN,SLEET, ICE or SNOW..[ and that is only if they dont eat the owner of the vendor licenses food,,they arent wearing gloves on both hands,[or even one hand]one hand takes the money,one serves the food! which has the glove? AND lets discuss sneezing and coughing on some tasty street bought hot dogs and some tasty street bought pretzels.?if only the money that these poor immigrant freezing folks made went to their bosses with a trace.SAD----AND true! those workers families actually need that cash to live.!!!
    do the owners?//

  12. are food carts all cash?

  13. yep! ever heard of one taking american express?

  14. nope! hot dog guys take no credit cards. ill bet nellos[that tasty uptown place on madison ave] doesnt either>but ill bet those hidden cameras have a record of those transactions in cash! the nice russian fellow mr abromovich[who read about his expensive lunch there in the new york post, would know best!these global madisons LLC and makkos organization people just love the hidden cameras.[security] sure! ask mr huq and the judge[ms.eleanor macdonald]who oversaw his,united states of america labor relations case#2-ca-36987 and 8 case! or ask those elderly people[artists] who live at at 79 mercer st in the makkos organization is doing its/or their best for homeland security.except not by law![THINK BERNIE KERIK]

  15. you asked about HANAC.hanac is some bullshit community it. youll see for is simply a lobbying funnels money into the PARKSIDE GROUP LLC[a lobbying firm] mainly republican to the business right.and lo and behold they gave money to, the RUDY. mr george makkos was "HANAC man of the year" in 2008. where is the surprise in this fact? once again ask rudy and ask bernie kerik. his address is very public and widely known!

  16. please what is his cell number? and the prisons name doesnt immed come to mind,.

  17. funny,if you mean ,about getting very ,very sick from h1n1 swine flu virus,transmitted by street vendors without gloves ,sneezing and coughing on the food you are about to eat?funny as in dying?
    go to CDC home page and see it for yourself! also chk out [city limits .org.] "next time you buy a hot dog in central park,be careful:the guy may be sick "NOT THAT FUNNY!!

  18. this is ironic. the "HEALTH DEPARTMENT" is the one that issues the cart permits[about 3000 of them in nyc.the nyc dept of investigations claims that about 500 of them are held illegally.SEE: ny times article by julia moskin.july 1 2009 page D3. rose gil hearn the commissioner of the ny dept of investigationsis quoted as saying that"under the current system the permits are so inexpensive and the inspection process so loose that it creates an opportunity for fraud" and "she called the black market a "double whammy of fraud" the article goes on to point out "the accused had both defrauded the city and created a public health risk" "these permits cost $200.00 and can be renewed by mail every 2 years."

  19. I read in the NY Post, Oct26, 2009 that Thomas Makkos of Madison Global, is a hot dog vendor turned real estate mogul.
    Does anybody knoe if his Makkos equities group is planning to buy Sty. Town & Peter Cooper Village from Tishman Spier?

  20. phil, you may have a point. they, the speyers and the makkos equities boys ,and marty gruss,and john paulson, all have the same attorneys. {BURDEN AND BELKIN}. they are well known! all of them!

  21. anon? i thought that, joesph burden guy[from belkin and burden esq] had his license pulled by the court or by the bar assoc? is he infact still practicing law?

  22. oh ,wait a second.[that joe burden guy] he got suspended for only about 6 months .see: the new york times front page story on tues,may 28th 2008. hes back in the thick of things,"TENANTS ROILED BY CHALLENGES ON RESIDENCY".by manny fernandez and charles v .bagli. page one and pageB5

  23. everyone out there GO AND BUY A COPY of THE NEW YORKER! mag

    issue FEB 1 ,2010 on page 50 is a thought -ful article entitled,"BUSTED" subtitle-"the investigators who try to keep the city employees honest" by larissa MacFarquhar.
    top of the line article about city hot dog vendors,the the new york dept of internal investigation,bribery and corruption.BUILDING INSPECTORS, the the enviornmental control board and "pay to play city concessioners" PHONY LICENSES GALORE! a fun story,but sadly a tragic one.READ IT AND CONNECT THE DOTS.

  24. are you saying that hot dog and pretzel vendors are corrupt?
    or are you saying that people who buy these city concessions [and maybe pay, or maybe stiff the city in a rather public manner,,use that,aledged ,,$$$ clout to influence other city agencies?ie:housing dept,,planning commision, D.O.B.or B.S.A. loft board , and or the health depts and ETC ?is that what you are outlining?

  25. i said nothing of the sort! BUT go to the new yorker article, AND CONNECT THOSE DOTS

  26. DOT.!DOT.!DOT!. now you sortof get it? now I really do, GOT IT!! from one hot dog stand on 34th street to alledged, new york city players,ala speyer , ala trump, ala rudins. in just a very few short years ,after dropping out of junior college,PRETTY SMART? or PRETTY WHAT?[pretty , little bernie kerik]he is cute! bald but cute. it was still a terrific article that the new yorker printed![AND perfect cartoon as well] with the hot dog pretzel vendor person]

  27. are you saying these people are corrupt?

  28. NO,but i am saying. [just take a looks sort of odd!hot dog kings -to real estaste moguls[with cash eateries on fifth ave as sheilds?

  29. in todays,new york times on the business page 1 and 2, jan 31 2010 gretchen morgenson in her "fair game "writes an article titled "ALL THOSE LITTLE STUYVESANT TOWNS" and there are many.
    atty general andrew cuomo has contended that a company has engaged"in a systematic pattern of harrasment" calling it a "re-capturing strategy"by routinely trying to evict tenants,by
    #1 sending them notices that their leases are not being renewed.
    #2 unfounded eviction proceedings.
    #3 delinquent rent lawsuits.
    #4 phony primary residence litigation.
    "paying more for a building eventually leads you to a business model that is based on harassment,as the attorney generals action has shown."
    is MAKKOS EQUITIES a private equity fund? do they have mortgages on those properties?are they bank owned??or is this just a way to get cash from hot dogs and cash from restaurants and concessions into something more stable than say ferrarris,porsches,mercedes and rolls royces,something like bricks!

  30. I AM SMELLING SOMETHING HERE?all these preditors in the real estate harrasment business ? what is their common thread? JOE BURDEN ESQ from belkin,burden,wenig&goldman. these are the people[alledgely ,lawyers]who are ruining artists and other , and a lot of other peoples lives, and real tax paying folks[voting folks] that live in this town! mr mayor, MICHAEL BLOOMBERG take a little look at those who are making your "QUALITY OF LIFE " campaign a damn joke. start there !

  31. right on mike! try calling 311 for -heat-no water-or asbestos -or anything,no water? JUST MAKE IT UP! is your quality life SHIT? call 311. they will come,,,,,,eventually!
    maybe not, to your door, maybe to some other address on your street.[does not matter to them]you ,,not them, have no water or heat!
    nothing will be solved!NOT ONE SINGLE THING! nothing!
    they make take a $10 dollar bill and go to the next non-building on your block without heat or hot water? or they may just take a $20 and say theye unable to gain acess.

    not just in chicago!

  33. what does play to play really mean?
    i know it has to do with city contracts ,and $$ PAC.S and lobbyists,and concessions and often bribery. but what is it really-in the real world?


  34. its just what it sounds like!go to wikipedia,politics section,at PAY TO PLAY.if you want to be a player,just pay!!
    in city govt,in legislation,in no bid govt ,city and state contracts,special access,favors.

  35. i went to wikipeda-it calls "pay to play" "legal corruption"
    what it does not describe,and i think this is a rather large deal is.?
    what happens if a concessionare[very publicly] commits to pay the city OR the parks dept X number of $ dollars ,even X number $ of millions of dollars,then works the contract,for a period of years and personally collects cash from the
    concessions [thru various shell companies] and then simply stiffs the city dept of finance and in some instances the parks dept?
    what happens then? do they still get to play?even if they dont pay?
    or do they simply litigate forever,if found out?and in the event the litigation takes as long as we all know it does and will,gee, there just might be a new administration.
    there seems to be a tremendous amount of litigation in these pages.quite a bit of it involving labor practices,and simply cheating bangldeshies or other folks who are immigrants with no alleged" pay to play "power,no power to litigate.or at least they are reluctant to do so!ie:I.N.S .threats by by the "PAY TO PLAYERS"
    add that to some "curious" and substantial political donations and the employment of professional lobbying groups,AND WHAT HAVE YOU GOT?
    would that be free cash,for the consessionares ,at the expense of the citys coffers ,all on built on the backs of hard working poor folks making $40 a day, at best?

  36. take that last page that is posted on BAD PEOPLE,there are quite a few buildings owned by shell companies.
    im wondering if the hot dog salesmen also work at these buildings for part of their $40 bucks a day?as supers or contractors or something.AND im curious if any of those contractural commitments with the city to renovate certain concession sites for 10 or so million$$ ,arent going to renovate other downtown properties,hampton homes,nellos? ETC.

  37. most of those landmarked buildings are fully occupied and they have no CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY. the 79 mercer street one has a lot of E.C.B.violations because of this.a couple of the other landmarked buildings on greene street65 &67 also have no CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY and are occupied.there is one thing that stands out with some of their buildings.they are landmarked buildings,but some are as many as 4 different colors,and have been for years.that suggests something that would be part of a pattern of abusing workers.sort of common. have men [ single day or triple day workers]work, and supply materials at their own expense,then at days end offer them a ride back to where they were picked up that morning [WITH NO PAY]they are lucky to get back near home,and also simply told "that they are lucky not to be turned in for I.N.S, infractions." when you walk up and down landmarked areas,its easy to spot!

  38. there are illegal surviellance cameras all over the buildings that you mentioned.there is a violation on the 79 mercer st building that is many years old!BUT[but if you really want an answer] suppeona those tapes and you will have your answer.
    additionally in the new york city campaign finance boards report issued in
    2006 pages 28 -59 and 60 the "pay to play" conflict as it pertains here,clearly demonstrates hoe you can take hot dog cash,give it as a contribution,thru a wife or whatever AND PRESTO,your problems with all the city agencies on page 60 are b.s.a.,landmarks commission,the loft board, the building dept and land use issues ,dis apear.a pretty smooth move if your not actually paying the city ,in addition.
    are there "certificates of occupancy" on these buildings? no!
    that would be the building dept.
    the tri-color buildings? that would be landmarks commission.
    mixed use buildings[commercial&residential]again,loft board or cityplanning or b.s.a.and buildings dept.!
    you are correct! having actual cold green cash is a lot of fun!

  39. just thinking:
    isnt it cool, to bid up a lot of city concessions with city contracts[become king of something-anything]get some press, as players ,then not pay!
    you still all the perks[of a" pay to play" PLAYER ! with landmarks, d.o.b.,bsa. loft board,planning etc.

  40. oh my goodness-is it snowing there as well?

  41. no its not snowing here! but i did fall on the ice. broke my gut and my much for soho metal diamond plate landings!

  42. new york post ,today feb18 2010 ,page 27.
    "city grabs reins from central park carousel firm"new york city one LLC and owner tom makkos kicked out.parks officials said they must be out by next monday.

  43. yes good article.tip of the iceberg,only!wait till the city and the attorney general do an audit of all their dealings with the city,state and feds. including,but not only taking tip money from workers and buying buildings,and fast cars, with those tax free proceeds ,AND SIMPLY CONNECT THOSE DOTS!

  44. yes,connect that with the NELLOS ownership and the LAWSUITS that have already begun to flow from that cash scam!.

  45. new york one LLC . OR m&t pretzels,own 60% of the hot dog carts in nyc central park.including the ones in front of the MET MUS. DID THEY KICK THEM OUT OF THE PARK
    YET ,as well? "new york hot dog and pretzel kings" indeed!

  46. UNKNOWN? but the greek banks that they are so very close to are taking stock!
    "actually trying to dump stock!"

  47. which brother is in a custody battle? [divorce?]

  48. im not sure? tom makkos goes by the name MIKE sometimes.probably an alias for use with the illegals in his employ! same name as ME!

  49. well now.imagine being married to one of these men.imagine having children with one of these imagine trying to divorce one of these men when there are children and custody issues at stake.BAD PEOPLE INDEED!if you are a journalist or the attorney general you might want to review the makkos brothers relationships with first central bank,joe pistilli,and pilar also should check the status of the saftey deposit boxes at the marfin bank. marfin was once the cyprus popular bank,it is now a swiss/greek bank.marfin also has a division called M.I.G. a real estate investment company.look there!
    often when people get terminal cancers they re-visit their god and become better,nicer people to their fellow humans. others look at the odds they will be alive in a few years,and vow to take advantage of this reality.tom makkos is the latter.why not cheat and steal anything and everything that one can?hopefully in cash and presumably,and most importantly, on the backs of others getting caught is no issue,because you will have already died by the time you are found out and with so many phony shell companies,it wont be simple!and so goes the makkos family legacy.just thank god you dont have children with them and live in fear of being found out!
    corruption: just a way to conduct business.

  50. what puzzles me,is, that these guys and all these shell companies[and cash] are so blatant. why have they not been investigated and indicted and arrested?

  51. it must be kept in mind that both makkoses dropped out of junior college to follow a particular path.they are not very creative, following a hybrid blueprint of their father themos.with his "black market" vending permits and john catsimatidis and his wife margo, now of,red apple group and gristedes supermarkets and united refining a petrolium company in warren pa. a huge enviornmental procedure they all use is lobbyists from HANAC a greek organization which is laughingly interested in "the plight of the greek orthodox church in turkey"RIGHT,sure city council persons care about this huge issue. !this is the lobbying group that george makkos was the " HANAC man of the year in 2008. that is george the pipe smoking brother with hair,who at this time fashions himself the greek john gotti,he is married to antonia[the self employed, house wife lobbyist who gave all that cash to city pols]she is not registered as a lobbist anywhere! however in the days of bernie kerick,these things were overlooked or covered up tightly.if you are a concessionare with new york city and your cash money flows from hot dog stands pretzels, carousels and ice rinks,etc. its good to grease the wheels,legally or not! always best, to also sign these long term commitment contracts ,somewhat publicly,insuring ,by doing so, the maximum clout can be asserted for land use issues,D.O.B.b.s.a. health dept, zoning.etc.when long term city contracts are entered into they almost always include the concessionares commitment to upgrade and improve the city properties,often in excess of 10 million dollars in improvements.were the city to audit these commitments,they would likely find that the makkos organization,new york one,m&t pretzel etc uses,reciepts and invoices from all the improvements made to NELLOS,resturant,green street cafe,cubanita and countless buildings they own and and let us not exclude the properties owned by george in watermill ny, and tom noyac,ny.not to shabby a business plan is it?let the city pay your bills.
    lets return to the cash issue.many of the buildings owned by tom and george makkos are not just leased by tenants.many have modified gross reciept clauses,which means that above ,or in lieu of rent, tenants must compensate the makkos- es,often in cash!AND some of these arrangements like the nellos restur situation, include stealing tips and gratuties from the employees,most often in IRS trace!
    one day this will all come out,i just hope im not somewhere elseand dont have answer to my daughter.if and when i hope she will understand!

  52. well. the picture is becomming a lot clearer.two 40yr old com college dropouts inherit pops business selling hot dogs and pretzels on 34th st in nyc.they game all systems and find a way to extract cash from dog carts,get more permits,have eateries that are mainly cash based,steal the cash tips.then enter into big city concessions,with long term contracts to do massive renovations then simply renovate other properties owned by them on the citys dime.INTERESTING!no wonder they each have 15 million dollar homes and both own huge hamptons properties.i wonder where they got the money for the 3 ferraris,the multiple mercedes,the rolls royces,and bmw s? have a coke problem anyone?because the greek economy isnt going to be there much longer.

  53. it would reasonable to consider who the makkos do in fact hire to do all their construction,remodeling, and repairs.AND its not at all complicated. they hire men[who are always illegal unlicensed , immigrants]they have them physically work for weeks using their[the workers ]own tools and materials.then when payday comes,they are told, NO PAY for you guys. oh, and do you guys want a ride home,or are you taking the train? when 1 or 10 men protest,they are simply told.want us to call the I.N.S. ? you dont have licenses do you. feel lucky ,your getting a ride home!
    thats how you get ferraris,and many renovated million dollar mansions at 40 yrs of age!

  54. YES INDEED. but when it comes to needing skilled labor,like hardwood doors,as in eateries front doors or residential buildings doors,or windows or flooring or elect work,,air conditioning or plumbing work or metal and steelwork,well? JUST CHARGE THIS WORK, TO THE CITY CONCESSION CONTRACT OF YOUR CHOICE.

  55. oh ,jesus,mary, mother of god!i knew this wasnt going to go launderingnever seems 2005 at 79 mercer street[owned by 79 LLC mercer,also owning M & T pretzels etc] the makkos brothers had tenants that paid lots of cash.located there was ,THE CRACK HOUSE STUDIO" and "MURDER INC"owned by irving lorenzo A .K.A. IRV GOTTI. mr gotti was convicted of money laundering that year after a good relationship with the makkos the building was designated as residential then to commercial premises,there was a lot of back and forth.MONEY!where do you suppose all those cars and propertys came from? greek orthodox churches in turkey ? no! this will be a stain on the church,me ,my family,children and grandchildren for generations.SAD !

  56. in thurs march new york times page a.g.sulzberger.son sets up armed robbery of a company that sells pretzels and operates carousels in the parks around the city.that would be M&T pretzels or since they just changed their shell company name, it would be NEWYORK
    ONE the roberry was the "weekend reciepts" and totaled $224.000,00 !
    john markou jr. did the heist,or set it up. his father john markou sr. AND mother work for the shell
    companies and have done so for several years. all of the markou-s are of greek origin,including the owners of the shell is where it gets more interesting. when markou sr found the saftey deposit box that his son hid,THERE WAS ONLY $80,000 left.ODD!where is the other $144,000.00 ? thats a lot of drugs ,isnt it? and $244,000,00,for sure it a lot of cash for hot dog vendors to haul in,
    in one weekend.something is very wrong about this smells fishy,not like pretzels!inside job,another closer look by the D.A. would help. markkos-makou-s anyone?

  57. let us not forget their banks!
    the berkshire bank
    4 east 39th street,nyc ny,10016
    first central savings bank
    70 glen street
    glen cove ny.11542
    AND marfin
    saftey deposit boxes anyone?

  58. you are all jealous and wish to be in their shoes .... i feel bad for all of you haters who have no life and actually take the time to talk about others ...

  59. I lost my job for their mean behavior. And now that I'm reading all of this about NELLO and the "Makkos" CLAN I'm asking myself why they're still bribing, stealing and cheating?
    - One of the state’s top tax deadbeats - kickback to Journalists - Balan arrested for beating his girlfriend - Sanitary Violations - unpaid invoices of suppliers - accuse from the employers for rubbing their tips - denounce for underpaid workers - And so on and on and on…….
    The Makkos family and Nello Balan makes their money on the backs of everyone they can. One is a shady romanian who pretend to be Italian, the other one is trying to cover his misdeed with “generous philanthropism”.
    But the judgment day will come also for them....finally.
